crt (dun, dun, dun)

Anyone else absolutely bewildered by CRT (critical race theory)? Me too. People are up in arms about this topic and honestly, it’s a hot mess of accusations and name-calling.

When it comes to these really hot-button topics I have a few personal policies to keep myself grounded.

1. I try to stay close to the primary source material. This means going as close to the center of the storm as possible. The best part about this principle is that it helps me see who is fudging a bit in the commentaries.

2. I first listen to commentators who have been harmed by whatever topic I’m researching. For instance, a sexually abused church member can tell me about the power structure that allowed their abuse with deeper insight than an investigator. A woman who has not been allowed to preach will be able to talk about the effects of biblical patriarchy with a clearer understanding than a male theologian. In the case of CRT, I like to listen first to my Black brothers and sisters.

3. I mute anyone who appeals to a fear narrative.

All that said, I have someone from #2 that I wanted to share with you. After ignoring the issue altogether (because honestly, the time it seems to need to do justice to the issue is overwhelming!) I came across this lecture recorded by Dr. Tony Evans (about 46 min). It’s well researched, nuanced, and grounded in scripture. I think it’s worth your time! Take a listen and tell me what you think! (nicely, please)

Click on the button to go to his teaching, and see below for a few teaser quotes.

When unaddressed prejudice gets married to power there is going to be an unintended pregnancy that will give birth to the evil of racism.
— Dr. Tony Evans
We have division because disciples of these movements, depending on their own bent (BLM, 1619 project, Marxists Philosophy), will put their own spin on it.
— Dr. Tony Evans
Everybody is talking about CRT, but they don’t know what they are talking about because they could be talking about any iteration of critical race, which means they are never gonna agree.
— Dr. Tony Evans
Kingdom Race Theology is the reconciled recognition, affirmation, and celebration of the divinely created ethnic differences through which God displays his multi-faceted glory as His people justly, righteously, and responsibly, function personally and corporately in unity under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
— Dr. Tony Evans
If you are spending more time discussing about CRT than KRT, you have been tricked by the world. You should know about it, you should understand it, and I’ve tried to give you a brief overview.
— Dr. Tony Evans
In the body of the Christ, in our racial commitment to each other, through the Bible, has to give deference to people creating the opportunity to either correct or to clarify. Because when you don’t do that you could be passing illegitimate judgment. Some people do what they do because of the system they are in not because of the person they are. But if you take the system and put the system on top of the person you may be letting a system judge a person when the person is not agreeing with the system. And unless that exists AT LEAST within the church, within the body of Christ, we will not have the kind of impact and influence that God wants us to have.
— Dr. Tony Evans

downright delightful


God-given tension