I’m Rachel. I love to study, read, write, and teach.
Mostly I write about how to study the Bible and insights from really smart people.
Sometimes I write about my life and our family’s journey through childhood cancer.
I’m glad you stopped by! Pull up a chair and sit for a while.
From the first page of history, God has been teaching us about rest.
On the seventh day of creation, God rested. But what did that mean to the people who first heard the story? And how is that significant to our anxious, hurting hearts today?
Rachel becomes a holy eavesdropper, leaning over the ancient Israelites’ shoulders, to understand the creation narrative. She focuses on the who of Creation so we can find meaning and rest for our souls. As we anchor ourselves in His character, we find a rest that grounds us when we’re faced with the daily crises of life, big and small.
Work, family, finances, the future, the past, the state of the world—these things and more can threaten our joy, hope, and trust. Rachel shares theologically rich insights that bring us into the rest we need, the rest we crave—the rest for which we were made.
What people are saying about Rest Assured
Featured In
First Fruits in the book of James
Why God is never mentioned in the book of Esther
Daniel: We are invited into God’s BY and FOR.
Genesis is our story too
Weights and Measures in Proverbs
Fresh Start: A Study of the Book of Genesis
n Genesis, we see God’s heart for renewal from the moment He spoke the universe into existence — bringing order from chaos right from the very beginning. It was always His design to restore us, even when we’ve made mistakes we’re not proud of.
The parts of our story that are in process, a little messy and unpolished don't have to be resolved for us to experience a fresh start. Right here, right now, God's grace is working in us and through us, shaping us into who He always intended us to be.
Published by First5: Do you have 15 minutes instead of 5 minutes for your quiet time? Study Guides are the First 5 app companion to take your daily bible study a little deeper. They include daily questions for each passage of Scripture, including reflection that applies to your life. Historical background and context to the culture are also included, with so much more.
Esther is an unlikely heroine with much to teach about God’s presence in hard and complex scenarios. As we explore and reflect on her story, we will learn the importance of discerning who influences us, watch as God protects His people, and discover He can use us right where we are.
And even when we don't know where He is or what He is doing, we can still participate in God's good plans as we take one obedient step after another. God isn't asking you to figure out all the solutions ... He's simply asking you to show up.
Published by First5: Do you have 15 minutes instead of 5 minutes for your quiet time? Study Guides are the First 5 app companion to take your daily bible study a little deeper. They include daily questions for each passage of Scripture, including reflection that applies to your life. Historical background and context to the culture are also included, with so much more.
Right Where You’re Supposed to Be: A Study of the Book of Esther

Learn how to read the Bible as a Holy and inspired book -
that also happens to be an amazing piece of literature.

I write about life, writing, parenting, and childhood cancer.
I’m an official nerd, with an MDiv from Pillar Seminary where I learned to study the Bible in its original languages while also being trained in ancient Near East context for both the Old and New Testament.
I’m also a mom to three college kids and wife to Brian. Our house soundtrack is Motown and 90’s rap, our happy place is on the back porch with good friends or a book, and our Goldendoodles (Ginger Rogers and Doris Day) keep us laughing.
watch, listen, and read
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The same skills taught in literature, history, and art classes can magnify your study of the Word of God.
Rachel Booth Smith