bowling with the Bible (part 2)

{see part 1 here}

When I survey Spiritually mature people, the two ingredients I have found consistently in their lives are: 


They take the time to read Scripture. And then read again. And then they take the time to think, meditate, and pray. And even after that, time to see if what they have learned bears out. Let it sit a bit, let life rub up against it a bit, watch how God’s truths interact with the world. Time to be wrong, time to let God work out the kinks in their understanding.

And they have humility. Humility to let the Bible speak before they interpret or apply {see blog post Holy Eavesdrop or Foolish Fleece}. Humility to let the Bible mess them up a little, to get up in their business, to grate against their man-made kingdoms. 

Time and Humility is how my grandmother could school a phD. It’s how a faithful missionary can have a deeper understanding of the things of God than a mega-church pastor. And it’s how you and I can take steps towards knowing God, not just theories and cute Insta quote cards. 

So, I lovingly want to challenge you to stop with the passive Sunday morning, 20 min podcast, 120 character tweet-worthy Spirituality. Don’t even make it an option. Don’t be like 26-year-old me and assume that listening on a Sunday morning can substitute for the investment of reading the Bible and meditating throughout the day. Don’t rush to mine the Bible for a clever turn of phrase. Mine it with the humility to let it preach to you and, convict you, and change you. Let Him tell you who He is. Make your Bible reading about God.

Here’s one step to start: Work through a Psalm this week (I like Psalm 19). Read the same one every day. When you feel your mind wander, pull it back in and mull over a specific phrase in the Psalm. Pray about it while you’re driving or chopping onions. Maybe have the Bible App read it to you while you brush your teeth. Let the words sit in your head a bit. See if you don’t develop fresh awe for God, more questions you want answered, and even an insight into His character that you never had. 

And maybe, just maybe, one day in the future you and I can be the living proof of what a faithful God can teach one of His children. What a joy and honor it will be to share who God is with the people who are the most dear to you! 


bowling with the Bible (part 1)


sacred literature