between the rains

It’s so hard to wait to see the product of a seed! The ground doesn’t change when a seed begins to germinate and take root. For all we know, nothing is going on beneath the surface, appearing identical to the empty soil next to it. The time from when you plant a seed to the time you see the first growth peeking up ... oh, that’s so long, isn’t it?

So … quiet.  

You begin to wonder ... did I even plant anything there? Did the seed die? Is there something I can do to make it grow faster? Should I somehow check on it?  

James talks to my anxious heart:

Therefore, brothers and sisters, you must be patient as you wait for the coming of the Lord. Consider the farmer who waits patiently for the coming of rain in the fall and spring, looking forward to the precious fruit of the earth. You also must wait patiently, strengthening your resolve, because the coming of the Lord is near. …

Brothers and sisters, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as an example of patient resolve and steadfastness. Look at how we honor those who have practiced endurance. You have heard of the endurance of Job. And you have seen what the Lord has accomplished, for the Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

- James 5:7-8,10-11 CEB

Be patient, James says, and remember others who were patient. Remember how God is faithful and good and merciful and full of compassion. See how sweetly He deals with our pain?  See how He urges our faith into action?  

When the Lord has called you to tithe and your bank account is still barely solvent, wait for the rains.  James might say something like, Be patient! Keep tithing! And remember when He provided at the perfect time? Keep that story front and center in your mind. Remember the testimony you heard about God’s faithfulness in times of need. 

If He has made you a promise in His word, don’t keep digging it up to see if it’s growing, asking Him, did you really make that promise? Wait for the rains. Study the scriptures and take heart from the examples He has provided. Pray. Wait. Pray and wait some more. Have faith. Then wait some more.  Just as Elijah prayed Christ calls us to pray in faith with anticipation of His righteousness.  

Are you between the rains? Is there something that God has promised you that you haven’t seen yet? Has the Lord promised you that your husband will be saved and it’s been years and years?  Do you know He’s called you to missions and the wait feels eternal? Has He told you that He will heal a deep wound and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better?  

Are you tempted to dig up the soil and check on your seed? Testing God to see if He really meant what He said? Trying to forge ahead in your own abilities and skills rather than waiting for Him to establish you? When digging up seeds to double-check them, we are inadvertently exposing immature roots and compromising our growth. I speak as one with experience, people. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, eh?  

Do you feel impatient for something (anything!) to happen between the rains? Does your antsyness make you lose sight of God’s faithfulness? Oh, mercy, this one gets me every time. I find it easy to become myopic and self-focused in quietness. Suddenly I’m a wandering Israelite complaining - “what about MY promise? Have you forgotten about ME?  I’M bored!” I so quickly loose sight of His faithfulness. It’s not about ME, it’s about Him. The miracle He will do in His time, His way, with His purposes in mind.  

Like Job, you can take your frustrations to God. You can voice your anxious heart, frustrations, and fears. He is faithful, He is all knowing, and He will work in plans we cannot fathom.  


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