foolish fleece (pt 2)
Rachel Smith Rachel Smith

foolish fleece (pt 2)

So what does the verse about laying a fleece *really* mean?

Within its broader context, this little fleece episode in Gideon’s story has a different meaning than we may have known before.

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foolish fleece (pt 1)
Rachel Smith Rachel Smith

foolish fleece (pt 1)

Did you know that the phrase “great minds think alike” is really only half of the saying? The other half of the saying is “though fools seldom differ.” When both phrases are taken together, the meaning is: when you think like someone, it may be that you are both smart or both fools. I don’t know about you, but until my kids told me the ENTIRE saying, I’ve always used this phrase incorrectly!

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sacred literature
Rachel Smith Rachel Smith

sacred literature

It doesn’t seem like those two words {sacred & literature} go together, does it? We tend to keep the Bible in a special “other” category - and that’s good! It IS distinct! But it’s also a beautiful piece of literature.

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